At SKS World School each child is considered as Unique and an Individual extricating the innate potential through the program of teaching learning process. The curriculum is designed to make learning more motivating, enthralling and stimulating.
Activities are planned in sync with each topic covered in class. Emphasis is laid on practical learning which is propelled by the furnished Social science lab, Science lab, Maths Lab, Computer lab & Robotics lab.
Introduction of 3D Science lab enables the students to visualize and capture the topics effectively and enhances the scientific temperament of the child.
Similarly, with the inclusion of various learning skills such as vocal music, Instrumental music, sports & games. utmost care is taken to emphasize on the self development of the child, and widen their outlook in perspective of a positive and healthy growth.
The academic program is designed to uplift and develop a sense of individual & group values in the mind of the child. Formal, enhanced study skills, strategies and methods are inculcated to build a strong routine working habit in children.